about the cipher

so basically it's a complex cipher that purposely encodes in special characters to trick someone who might be attempting to decode it. there's probably an official name for a cipher similar to this but this is what i was able to come up with.

it uses a 59 character long substitution table to encode the characters a-z, 0-9, ., , ?, !, (, ), \, ", ', :, ;, -, _, /, and space. whenever you generate a substitution table it randomly shuffles the order of all the characters to create a relatively secure sutstitution table. this ends up allowing 1080 possible combinations. for reference there's about 1082 atoms in the observable universe.

while encoding the plaintext with each character there is a 10% chance of inserting [random character]<. the < signifies that the previous random character should be deleted. also, when a character is repeated there is a 33% chance of replacing that second character with > to signify that the previous character should be repeated. these features add another layer of complexity that would make it signifigantly more difficult to decode.

to add another layer of complexity, this cipher has a second possible character for the most common characters (a, e, i, n, o, r, and space) to be encoded into. for example "a" could be encoded into either "x" or "5" whereas "f" could only be encoded into a single character.

if you want to have some fun with someone then give them an encoded piece of text without the substitution table and watch them waste months-years of their life trying to decode it 💕